Mattress Cleaning is Important for your Health

Did You Know that Mattress Cleaning Improves Your Health Quality?

When we clean our home we do it because we know its important for our health.  What we often overlook is the cleaning of our mattress which impacts the air quality in our homes.  

Imagine this: Every night we sweat on our mattress, we shed skin on our mattress and this can only become a home for bacteria growth, fungal spore and dust mites.  

Did you know that the average mattress is home to about 2 million dust mites?  With that knowledge, it’s no surprise that if you do not clean your mattress regularly, it can be the dirtiest item in your whole house.  

 How does your Dirty Mattress Affect your Air Quality?

You home has many sources of air pollution.  Some of these include smoke, glue, paint, pet dander, carpet spores, mildew, bacteria, dust mites and more.  

 If you think about it, how much skin, sweat and oil do you think your body produces every night while you sleep?  A lot! And on top of that, the dust mites, fungal spores, and bacteria that live in your mattress are having a blast multiplying every night.  No wonder your mattress is one of the biggest contaminants in your home air. And you breathe this every night while you lay your head on that mattress.

 How Often Should You Clean Your Mattress?

Many of us do not want to think about what is living inside our mattresses.  I dont blame you. I don’t either. Sometimes we get lazy just washing our sheets! Yikes!

To keep a healthy mattress healthy, bed sheets should be washed at least once a week.  This minimizes the amount of oil, sweat, skin and fluids that get into our mattress. Pillows should be cleaned or replaced, twice a year.

The mattress itself, should be professionally cleaned twice a year or once every season.  

Why professional cleaning? Why not DIY?

Your mattress should be professionally cleaned because you want to avoid adding to the multiplication of mold, bacteria and fungal spores.  If you try to do it yourself and use any water or liquid you need a powerful enough machine that will suck up all that humidity out. A professional has the right equipment that is powerful enough to get rid of all the air pollutants embedded in your mattress and helping you keep your home air  healthy and clean.

Dream Steam Mattress Cleaning

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